Chinatown was really disgusting. We went out of the bus and there was right in front of us a fish store and it smelled horrible!! Believe it, whole Chinatown smells like that! Little Italy was much nicer! The coulurs and it wasnt smelly! I thought that both, Chinatown and Little Italy, were big, because I saw those in London and that was about one street! We did a really nice ride on a boat to see statue of liberty, but my battery was low...but is still got some nice pictures to put in here!
I wasn't that impressed by Ground Zero. I think its because i cant imagine there were to very very tall towers! I guess when you've been there before 9/11 you might have a different feeling about that!
So that was it! My first great New York experience! I'm sure there will be some more and of course, I will tell you about all of them!!
It's up to you Neeeew Yooooooooork!! Badamdam
Hast du für Wolf eine Karte von Ground Zero mitgebracht? :D
AntwortenLöschenIch könnte mir das auch nicht vorstellen, total krass das alles...
Schön, dass es dir so gut gefällt. :)
AntwortenLöschenWenn du Zeit hast, kannst du ja mal ins Briefbuch schreiben.
Ich bin gerade halbtaub (Coldplay! :D)
Liebste Grüße Marianne