Dienstag, 25. August 2009

New York- It's a hell of a town(3)

Der letzte richtige Tag in New York City! 3 Tage sind natürlich viel zu wenig, aber ich kann euch sagen, ich war auch echt geschafft! Die ganze Zeit nicht genug Schlaf immer action. Gerade jetzt wo die ganze Anspannung von mir abfällt merk ich wie müde ich bin!! Aber weiter mit New York: Wir haben am Freitag Chinatown gesehn, Little Italy, waren auf der Brooklyn Bridge, Shoppen am Hafen (South Street Seaport), we were walking across Wall Street (quite boring i think, when you r not in there...) and we saw Ground Zero.
Chinatown was really disgusting. We went out of the bus and there was right in front of us a fish store and it smelled horrible!! Believe it, whole Chinatown smells like that! Little Italy was much nicer! The coulurs and it wasnt smelly! I thought that both, Chinatown and Little Italy, were big, because I saw those in London and that was about one street! We did a really nice ride on a boat to see statue of liberty, but my battery was low...but is still got some nice pictures to put in here!
I wasn't that impressed by Ground Zero. I think its because i cant imagine there were to very very tall towers! I guess when you've been there before 9/11 you might have a different feeling about that!
So that was it! My first great New York experience! I'm sure there will be some more and of course, I will tell you about all of them!!
It's up to you Neeeew Yooooooooork!! Badamdam

2 Kommentare:

  1. Hast du für Wolf eine Karte von Ground Zero mitgebracht? :D
    Ich könnte mir das auch nicht vorstellen, total krass das alles...

  2. Schön, dass es dir so gut gefällt. :)
    Wenn du Zeit hast, kannst du ja mal ins Briefbuch schreiben.
    Ich bin gerade halbtaub (Coldplay! :D)
    Liebste Grüße Marianne
